Top of the Lake is a 2013 television drama miniseries co-produced by BBC Two in the UK, UKTV in Australia/NZ and Sundance Channel in the United States. Written and created by Jane Campion and Gerard Lee, and filmed on location in New Zealand, the series follows a detective investigating the disappearance of a 12-year-old pregnant girl.
After the Party is the best Kiwi drama since Top of the Lake - inews - - 2024/11/20 08:00
- After the Party is the best Kiwi drama since Top of the Lake inews...
Surfed across the surface of the lake, standing on top of an upside-down table (Video) - Telegrafi - - 2024/10/05 19:47
- Surfed across the surface of the lake, standing on top of an upside-down table (Video) Telegrafi...
14 of the best things to do in Lake Tahoe - Lonely Planet Travel News - - 2024/09/16 07:00
- 14 of the best things to do in Lake Tahoe Lonely Planet Travel News...
10 Best TV Shows Like Apple TV+'s Lady In The Lake - Screen Rant - - 2024/08/29 07:00
- 10 Best TV Shows Like Apple TV+'s Lady In The Lake Screen Rant...
Largest Lakes in America: List of the top 10 Biggest Lakes in United States - Jagran Josh - - 2024/08/05 07:00
- Largest Lakes in America: List of the top 10 Biggest Lakes in United States Jagran Josh...